Friday, March 14, 2014

Workshop on 'Sprituality in formal educational context and research approach': Prof. Neree St-Amand, University of Ottawa, Canada

Neree St-Amand, professor, school of social work, University of Ottawa, Canada presented a workshop at the conference hall in Kathmandu University, School of Education, Balkumari, Lalitpur. Professors of KU, students of Phd, Mphil, M.Ed and research scholars were present in the program. The discussions focused on the different dimensions of spirituality and implications in
formal education and in research approaches.
Main Intentions
a)      Explore the role of spirituality within a formal educational context;
b)      Explain Canadian projects and programs to appropriate people in Nepal;
c)      Discuss my experiences in implementing spirituality and religion within academic settings in Canadian universities;
d)     Explore Nepalese experiences in relation with my research and publication projects.
a.       Talk about spirituality and religion in Western world;
b.      Link with Neree's participations and presentations at The Parliament of World Religions (Melbourne 2005, Barcelona 2000, Montreal 1996)
c.       Talk about spirituality and western cultures; integrate one of my students thesis – 2012
d.      Talk about diverse spiritual experiences in the Ottawa area: Tone magazine as being an illustrator of such diversity and openness;
e.       Talk about spirituality and social change: emphasis on Sulak Sivaraksa, Thai author
f.       Discussion seminars with scholars on b, c, d, e and f. To be determined as the sessions evolve.

Professor Neree loves the natural diversity and beauty of Nepal and so he comes to Nepal frequently. He is keen in working closely
with KUSOED in developing  and fulfilling mutual interests and benefits.
Brief bio
-          PhD in Sociology, University of Nice, France; specialization: sociology of Mental Health;
-          Co-founder, School of Social Work University of Ottawa; professor since 1990 at this school;
-          Co-founder: Reflets, journal of social services in French Canada; still on board of directors;
-          Various administrative positions within government and within universities for past 30 years;
-          Many publications in referred journals; many books; 90% of publications in French.
-          Interest for spirituality in academic settings since 1990;
Nérée St-Amand, professor, School of Social Work, University of Ottawa