the perspective of inclusion and equity. Key challenges discussed are
associated with: a) views of the nature of mathematics as a body of pure
knowledge, b) mathematics teaching as transmitting formulas and facts,
c) mathematics learning as rote memorization, and d) the dominant goal
of mathematics education being guided by technical academic interests.
Key prospects are discussed in relation to Nepal’s diverse cultural
landscapes which potentially offer ways of developing learning tasks and
associated pedagogies with an aim of producing active citizens.
Myths of mathematical intelligence and
dis/empowering pedagogy of teaching: A critical auto/ethnographic inquiry
It was an evocative experience for me to have conducted a research on
the topic “Math teachers’ beliefs, experiences and democratic practices
in mathematics classroom”, as part of qualification of Master of
Education. Employing Auto/Ethnographic research approach (Willis, 2007)
enabled me to excavate my own beliefs and practices including the
research participants. Astonishingly the inquiry indicated that the
teachers’ beliefs about ‘innate math talent/intelligence’ was so deeply
ingrained in practice that the learning environment was creating a form
of class struggle between ‘is intelligent’ and ‘is not intelligent’.
Teachers’ beliefs largely emphasized on mathematical knowledge as
abstract, formal and absolute promoting text book centred assessment to
distinguish student math-ability and hence the discriminatory pedagogy
of teaching. Working as a teacher educator, university student and
university faculty gave me ample opportunity to explore deeper into the
beliefs of math teachers. These experiences have enabled me to draw my
attention towards a serious form of discrimination, suppression and
hence the cultural oppression (Freire, 1993) in the classroom. It is
terrible to know that the universalisation or de/contextualization
(Luitel, Taylor, 2010) of mathematical knowledge creates uninteresting
pedagogy of mathematics forcing students to develop a sense of
giftedness hence putting themselves into one of the two compartments,
the gifted and not-gifted. Unconvincing categorization of students with
innate intelligence (Gardner,1983) by means of narrowly defined academic
math courses has been promoting unjust and dis-empowering pedagogy of
mathematics teaching/learning thereby endorsing violence against
democracy and peace. After rigorous research I have come to the stand
that intelligence cannot be narrowly defined (Robinson, 2006) and hence
cannot be measured through narrowly structured assessment tools.
6. Tulshi Ram Pandey
Teaching Mathematics: A Shift in Terms of Applying Participatory Pedagogies (Teacher Professional Development)
This paper entitled “Teaching Mathematics: A Shift in Terms of Applying
Participatory Pedagogies” is an autoethnographic inquiry which aims to
excavate experiences that I have gained in the journey of teaching and
learning of mathematics. In this paper, I focus on pedagogical growth
and changes that I have witnessed from my early years of profession as a
primary teacher to my most recent arrival in this research work. This
epic journey has also seen the moments of failure that I could not make
in pedagogical shifts visible, despite my frequent attempts in trying to
apply participatory pedagogies in mathematics teaching based on my
ideals of transformative learning.
To articulate my visions about
teaching and learning of mathematics as a student and as a teacher, I
have used autoethnography, the method and genre of my research.
Furthermore, I have drawn on the theory of radical constructivism that
regards knowledge as a result of an individual’s constructive activity
guided by seeing the viabilities rather than sticking in the validity.
With this, I employed “small p” philosophical inquiry that gives
emphasis on the personal meaning making and meaning seeking process.
7. Ramesh Neupane
On becoming an arts-informed teacher of mathematics (pedagogy)
Being mathematics teacher of the post-modern (?) era, this is my
responsibility to reflect, critic and enhance my practices and see the
new possibilities from more than ‘3600 angles’ of social, professional
and personal life. For me post-modern philosophy means an acceptance of
multiple perspectives offering new ways of seeing through mathematics,
teachers and learners (Ernest, 2012). I am here to explore a series of
experiences that I had and I am having. The main goal of this article is
to explore possibilities of teaching mathematics in more comprehensive
ways in Nepal through post-modern thought and actions.
8. Binod Pd. Pant
Teachers' Professional Development through Self-reflection
Self- reflection is about thinking over own actions and acting in
interaction with the environment, and with the colleagues, which can
have inner dialogue with him/herself. For a teacher, it requires
honesty to oneself and to other people; it can be very useful due to
verisimilitude nature in different psychological and pedagogical aspects
in the classroom. As it modifies the practices towards the better every
time, it is widely accepted that reflection is a crucial in the
professional development. While doing so, it creates a sense of
empowerment, self-realization and solidarity to the teachers. So, it is
taken as a agent of change (Artzt, 2002). I believe that the better
teaching approach cannot be generated over night; it is neither a
ready-mate stuff to apply as it is from someone experience nor it is
skill, nor can be developed from a session in a conference or in
training. It is a continuous process, which can be developed through
observing ones' own practices. Pollard and Tann (1993) believe that,
"the process of reflection feeds a constructive spiral of professional
development and competence” (p. 4). Reflection is definitely a vital
skill as it can be considered to be a key to teacher development. It can
be either intuitive or systematic and organized; it enables teachers to
become aware of their weak and strong points. Absence of such awareness
would make a further teacher grow impossible. Reflection should “lead
to the conscious development of insights into knowing-in-action”
(Wallace, 1991 p. 13). This paper aims to bring the importance of
personal reflection for teacher development and its' usefulness and
popularity in transformative education research (Luitel, 2009).
Key Words: self-reflection, knowing-in-action, transformative education research
9. Pundary Phuyal
Reconceptualizing "teaching experiment" in mathematics
Being a mathematics teacher in school level for more than ten years, I
believe that my students need to go beyond making thinks "products".
They need to develop creative mathematical thinking and problem solving
skills and I am the one who is responsible for building strong
foundations to my students. Otherwise, students' new demands cannot be
met through passive, rote-oriented learning focused on basic skills and
memorization of disconnected facts. We need mathematics learning that"
enables critical thinking, flexible problem solving, transfer of skills
and use of knowledge in new situations" (Darling – Hammod, 2008, p.2).
The activities of doing mathematics should be viewed with a playful
attitude and confidence. But, how can I promote such a playful attitude?
I, perhaps, have to design such a technique that investigates my
students' mathematical knowledge and how it might be learned in the
context of mathematics teaching. I perhaps need such type of teaching
methodology, which is lived. I investigate in order to improve learning
in my classrooms and beyond, which is, I believe, "Teaching Experiment
Methodology". In this paper, I discuss about teaching experiment
methodology, its' usefulness in mathematics classroom and its' affect to
the students' learning.
10. Indramani Shrestha
Transforming mathematics education landscape from de-contextualize to contextualize
11. Surendra Singh Thagunna
Significance of geometry: Relating geometry with real life (pedagogy)
Geometry is very useful in our daily life. The study of geometry has
started right from the human civilization. But, many of us, including
me, have bitter experiences in learning and teaching geometry. A
significant number of students show dissatisfaction in geometry, and
they do not secure good grade from geometry portion. I realized that
geometry teaching is a challenging job. Therefore, I came to write this
paper, which presents an overview of the attitudes of learners and
teachers towards teaching learning of geometry as well as trends and
challenges of teaching learning methods of geometry in Nepal. Yet more,
this paper depicts the real scenario of the problems faced by the people
in their daily lives due to lack of geometrical knowledge and thus
tries to relate theoretical concepts of geometry with daily life
problems. This paper aims to develop an insight into learners, teachers
and other professionals about the significance of geometry in real life
and the ways of making geometry classroom more enjoyable and effective
with the various practical problems.
12. Satya Raj Joshi
Recovering individualized teaching through humanistic nature of mathematics (pedagogy)
The paper aims to explore the distinction between mathematics education
that ethically applies in existing versions of mathematics and
mathematics education that seeks to recast mathematics as an unavoidably
and undeniably humanistic enterprise. The essence of this paper is to
seek the possibilities of linking mathematics with the aesthetic
activities of human where I present my understating of god, beauty and
truth. This paper advocates to the beliefs that human society have close
relationship to the formal mathematical models, and mathematics is/for
human society developed by the same society. I do not believe that
mathematical formalism is an alien language, which exist somewhere else
than our society. More generally, I believe this paper would be helpful
for anyone who is curious about the nature of mathematical and
humanistic thought and their relationship to the universe.
13. Surendra Mishra
Beliefs and practices of mathematics teacher as a means for transforming teacher identity (Teacher Professional Development)
In this paper, I will address different aspects of my research that
examines Beliefs and practices of mathematics teacher as a means for
transforming identity. Since my research is about teacher identity and
beliefs and its effects on practices, so I would share my experiences of
teaching and learning mathematics (especially algebra) as a teacher as
well as a student. I will share my experience as a teacher as well as
student by describing the events in the form of stories. I will include
two stories as a teacher and as a student.
14. Surendra Prasad Singh
Application of information Technology in the Mathematics Classroom
Application of technology in the classroom cannot be avoided.
Technology is developed and available at reasonable price and knowledge
of technology can be combined to improve teaching of international
level. According to Piaget knowledge is constructed through
assimilation, accommodation, and equilibrium.ICT can help to improve
teaching learning by using multimedia in the classroom. The process can
be improved by providing prerequisites, prompt feedback of ineffective
learning strategies. This paper will try to show with help of slides how
teaching of geometry with ICT can save time and energy but with
15. Ruma Manandhar
Can Abstract Algebra be taught meaningfully?
This paper, being focused in learning of abstract algebraic structure
group, tries to deal on the overall understanding process followed by
the students, their difficulties, different levels of understanding to
be connected for making students able to produce a proof based on an
empirical study.
16. Bedraj Acharya
Pedagogical Practices in the Mathematics Classroom at Primary School in Nepal: A Cultural Perspective
In this article, I have articulated mathematics classroom practice in
Nepalese schools. The main purpose of my study was to explore classroom
practices in mathematics in diverse cultural setting. I adopted
ethnographic approach to inquiry to describe the realities about
classroom practices of mathematics teaching and learning. The
classroom teaching - learning situation was observed on the basis of the
classroom episodes. I observed classroom episodes / practices of three
schools of the Kathmandu Valley to achieve the research objective. I
obtained the different data texts from my potential participants. Then, I
discussed the data texts from different sociological perspectives with
my critical reflection. It was found that lecture-based teaching
activities, less participatory teaching, and lack of teachers' knowledge
to teach mathematics in the different cultural setting were the major
factors for not facilitating learning mathematics in culturally diverged
classroom environment. Teachers were theoretically familiar about the
student- centered, participatory, child friendly and democratic
classroom. However, in practice, they were not successful in applying
these techniques in the actual classroom.
17. Raghubir Bhatta
Implication of Constructivism Teaching Theory on Classroom Teaching
Constructivism learning theory is the further development as
behaviorism arrives at cognitivism. According to its teaching theory:
knowledge is uncertain; the learning process of knowledge is also the
construction process of knowledge; students are the main body of
learning activity and they construct knowledge on their own initiatives;
teachers are the helpers and the drivers for students constructing
knowledge. These views generate more implications for Nepal’s teaching
reform, what affect the reform of learning theory and teaching theory in
a sense and turn into the theoretical base for our education reform.
This article tries to probe into the implication of constructivism
teaching theory on our school teaching. This article is the product of
writer's intervention in higher secondary school teaching of
18. Harsh B. Chanda
Analysis of errors on solving problems from geometry course of secondary level
Teaching and learning Euclidean geometry in school level is problematic
from many decades. So, many researches have been conducted in this
area. This article presents results of research conducted to attain
objective 'to analyze and interpret errors committed by secondary school
students in solving problems from geometry'. The research was conducted
by using written test, interview schedule (Newman) and interview
schedule (van Hiele). The result shows that maximum students were found
in lower level of van Hiele model of thinking than the required level of
thinking to solve problem so that maximum errors were occurred in
either comprehension or transformation level.
19. Bishnu Khanal
Teaching Styles perceived by primary level mathematics students
The study was conducted to investigate primary school students’
perception of their teachers’ teaching styles. The observation,
interview and researcher’s introspection were different tools adopted
for the collection of information. The study was guided by learning
theories: cognitivism, behaviorisms, and constructivism. The study
concluded that the primary teacher’s teaching style was perceived as
indifferent and authoritarian types.