Monday, July 15, 2013

Reframing Teacher Emotion: A presentation by Samara Madrid at KU, Lalitpur

Dr. Samara Madrid, Assistant Professor in the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Educaiton at the University of Wyoming, USA is going to make a presentation at the Conference Hall, KU, Balkumari on 18th July 2013. Students of masters, mphil, phd and professors, researchers and individuals with interest in education can benefit from this presentation. 

If you are interested, please contact (for registration) the Reception Desk of KU School of Education, Lalitpur.

Bio: Dr. Samara Madrid is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education at the University of Wyoming, USA. Her research examines the social and cultural aspects of teacher and child emotion within the school and peer cultures of classrooms.  She teaches undergraduate courses on oral and written language development and engaging families in education and graduate courses in qualitative research and the social aspects of early childhood education. She is co-Editor of the 2008 Teacher College Press volume, On Discourse Analysis and the 2011 Hampton Press volume, From Toddlers to Teachers: Learning to see and understand the school and peer cultures of classrooms. She also has a forthcoming co-Edited book with Routledge Press titled, Reframing the emotional worlds of early childhood classrooms. She has multiple journal articles, book chapters, and national/international presentations on the emotional life of teaching and learning.

Title: Reframing teacher emotion: Care as racialized, critical, and spiritual practice
Abstract: This presentation examines teacher care as a racialized, critical, and spiritual emotion and classroom practice. Models of teacher care will be presented and problematized illustrating how current white feminist and black feminist theories overlook the spiritual aspect of teacher care and its relation to social justice work when engaging with students whose social and cultural identities and histories differ from our own. This work draws from Dillard’s (2012) endarkened epistemology and Brooke Harris Garad’s (2013) model of spiritually-centered caring.

Date: 18th July 2013
Time: 4:30 to 5:30
Venue: Conference Hall, ground floor, KU School of Educaiton, Balkumari Lalitpur.   

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